October 22, 2021

Missing Teeth? Here’s Why You Should Replace Them

Are you struggling with one or more missing teeth? Unsure whether to wait to fix the gap in your smile or schedule an appointment with your dentist? Here are three reasons why you should stop procrastinating and deal with your missing teeth today, plus the best options available to you! 

3 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Missing Teeth Replaced 

  • Missing teeth impact your overall health 

Besides the obvious physical symptoms, there is the undeniable mental impact missing teeth can have on you. Some patients experience a loss in confidence and attempt to hide their smiles as much as possible.

Missing teeth will not only make you feel uncomfortable and insecure, but they may also turn into a threat to your health. Missing teeth can impact your ability to chew and enjoy your food. 

It can be a killjoy to miss out on eating your favourite foods, but having difficulty chewing can also impact your general wellbeing. You may, for example, experience nutrient deficiencies as a result. 

  • Missing teeth change the shape of your face and smile

You may not feel immediate pressure to replace a tooth in a less visible location - such as a molar tooth.  

But, as soon as you lose one tooth, your gum and bone are no longer being stimulated, which over time, will see the jaw bone shrink and the gums pull back. Naturally, this may drastically alter the shape of your face. 

As a result of the decrease in bone density and the lacking support from neighbouring teeth, your remaining teeth may begin to shift and move towards the new gap in your smile, causing crooked or misaligned teeth. 

  • The cost of dental bills gets higher the longer you wait

Do you think replacing one tooth is a costly endeavour? Wait to see what happens once your bone density decreases and your bite changes. Crooked teeth are more susceptible to tooth decay - as they’re simply harder to clean. 

Suddenly, you might be dealing with a whole set of new issues, all caused by a missing tooth that wasn’t replaced on time. The longer you wait to seek treatment, the more complex your treatment and the more expensive your dental bill can become. 

If you are dealing with bone loss, you may still be a candidate for dental implants, but you likely require a costly bone graft and the support of a highly experienced dental surgeon. 

Note: Only the All-on-4® treatment using the MALO Protocol pioneered by Dr Malo can address cases of serious bone loss without the need for bone grafting. Next Smile™  surgeons implant small titanium fixtures at an angle, allowing them to avoid sections of the jawbone with poor bone quality


Treatment Options for Missing Teeth

Treatment Options for Missing Teeth

So now that you know why you should replace your missing teeth, let's look at the treatment options currently available in Australia. 

Several treatment options exist in replacing missing teeth, many of which are now more accessible than ever before. 

The most common options for tooth replacement are: 

  • Dental Implants 

These are small titanium screws surgically inserted into your jaw to hold a prosthetic tooth or a dental crown that is placed on top of the implant. 

As your jawbone heals, the dental implant eventually fuses with your jawbone - a process called osseointegration

Dental implants simulate the root of a tooth, restoring the jawbone and the gums line to keep them healthy. This makes dental implants a durable solution to missing teeth. 

All-on-4® with Dental Implants uses four dental implants to restore a full arch of teeth. Our NobelSpeedy Groovy implants with patented grooves are slightly tapered to maximise stability and support dental implants no matter the quality of your bone.  

  • Dental Bridges 

A dental bridge is a row of artificial teeth designed to replace numerous missing teeth. This method can also be used to replace just a single missing tooth. 

Instead of surgically placing an implant in the jawbone, dental bridges are cemented onto the surrounding teeth to stay put. 

Since they do not require surgery, dental bridges cost less than dental implants. They also don’t require bone grafts or prolonged healing periods. 

Unfortunately, dental bridges are likely to damage otherwise healthy teeth, which often have to be shaved down in order to accommodate a bridge. Not to mention that the cementing material will attack your tooth enamel. 

All in all, bridges are not as resilient as dental implants that are anchored in bone. That also means bridges do very little to combat bone loss caused by the loss of teeth.

Then again, bridges do not last as long as dental implants, and you may choose them as a temporary solution before committing to a more permanent solution such as All-on-4® with Dental Implants.

  • Dentures 

Dentures are possibly the most commonly known and quickest form of tooth replacement. Commonly referred to as “false teeth”, they replace an entire row of teeth.

But unlike All-on-4® with Dental Implants, they are removable teeth that sit on the jawbone often requiring a special denture adhesive to stabilise and prevent them from falling out. This is also the biggest downside to dentures. 

Having to be removed overnight, you’ll be forced to be without teeth for periods, which means dentures do nothing to prevent bone loss. 

As a result, dentures aren’t a permanent solution and have to be refitted often to accommodate the changing bone structures. 

Not only that, but denture wearers also continually struggle with loose dentures that move when speaking or eating. This alone can cause frustration and embarrassment. 


dental implants

Why Dental Implants are the #1 Tooth Replacement Choice 

As mentioned above, dental implants are generally the most recommended tooth replacement option made by dentists. 

Dental implants look and feel just like natural teeth. They allow you to eat and drink comfortably - as you would normally

Implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth, making them a long-term, cost-effective alternative to dentures and bridges that have to be replaced regularly.  

Dental implants are incredibly durable and cannot move as they are anchored in the jawbone and support the crown or bridge. 

They are easy to clean and maintain. Your oral hygiene routine will likely stay much the same. 

Access Gold Standard Dental Care 

Designed to last a lifetime, All-on-4® with Dental Implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth and a great alternative to dentures and bridges. 

To find a Next Smile™ All-on-4® centre near you, visit us online or give us a call at 1300 625 628

Related: Are you considering seeking dental treatments abroad?

Tens of thousands of Australians travel abroad every year to have dental treatments done overseas. Thailand and Indonesia are popular destinations for those looking to deal with missing teeth on holiday. 

With up to 70 per cent cheaper treatment costs, the idea can, in fact, be tempting. 

But is it worth it? Or do the downsides perhaps outweigh the benefits? 

Learn more about the hidden dangers of overseas dental treatments here! 
